Crazy, excited and proud of our MOVE Company at Legacy Dance Championships! "Work Like a Boss" Jr. Intermediate Hip Hop 1st Overall! 'Twist Shout Dance" Jr. Intermediate Jazz 2nd Overall! "I Wanna Dance" Petite Intermediate Jazz 4th Overall! "Stand Up" Jr Intermediate Contemporary 4th Overall! "Bandstand Boogie Swing" Teen Intermediate Specialty 4th Overall! "The One that Got Away" Teen ...Intermediate Hip Hop 5th Overall! "Victory Check 123" Teen Intermediate Jazz 6th Overall! "Stone Cold" Teen Intermediate Contemporary 8th Overall! "Treat Me Right" Teen Intermediate Jazz 10th Overall! ALL IN THE TOP 10! Teen Company also got scholarships to NYC for "Bandstand Boogie Swing!" MOVE Company Production, "Creation of a Queen Diva" received 2nd Overall Platinum! Congrats to our MOVE Village!
